February 26, 2020
Recently, I had the privilege of working with a woman at the end of her life. Her family asked if I could work with her in the hospital and this was a new experience for me. There were no specific expectations of what the sessions were to help with (as nobody knew how close she was to the end, but really do we ever?), although every family is always hoping for the best when a loved one’s life is on the line. Although I certainly believe in spontaneous healing, and it certainly happens, I had a very good conversation with her son before I went to see her, and we discussed taking each day as it comes, and that all we can focus on is the moment and bringing her some balance to help her support not only her physical body, but help keep her mentally calm and peaceful.
I saw her for a final session one evening; sadly she passed the next morning. Her son sent me a note of gratitude thanking me for the wonderful job I did to help bring her relaxation and peace. I only spent a short amount of time with her, but she had beautiful energy to work with and we were able to have a lovely conversation on my last visit. I am sad at the loss of a life, and thankful for the opportunity I was given. If the sessions helped her release anxiety and other stored emotions, and allowed her to transition with peace and grace instead of fear, struggling and pain; then I am honoured to have been a part of that.
Sometimes our minds, emotions and spirit are in need of healing just so that the physical body can be released.
I am thankful to her and her family for allowing me to be a part of her journey. It highlighted the importance of being balanced not just during our lives, but at the end as well. Everyone deserves to leave this earth from a place of peace.
October 28, 2019
Well I finally did it. I actually published my website. This is not just a finally got the work done, figured out all the technical stuff that in no way interests me, quite frankly scares me as I like people not computers, and really that I want nothing to do with! It is the finally let go of my fear of it’s not going to be perfect so I better wait until I have everything organized and done to the last detail before I dare put anything out there. It’s the finally let go of the fear of once it’s out there, it’s out there for everyone to see….and look at me, and judge what I do and what I believe and ultimately me. So I’ve probably missed some things, maybe even have a typo even though I’ve read the pages what feels to be a thousand times. But to follow a quote by Shauna Niequist passed along to me by a good friend, I am choosing “Present over Perfect”.
And as much of an oxymoron as it is, it’s also the fear that this may attract more attention, and I can grow and get really busy and get to where I have wanted to for so long. So here goes, I am finally putting what I do and who I am out there, and I will do it without fear and with confidence. What I do is not for everyone. But I am not doing this to try to convince those who may balk at what I do. I am putting it out there so that people who are looking for something to help them may stumble across this site. So those looking for nothing more than to criticize and tear down complementary approaches to well-being, please move along. But those who may be struggling or simply interested in learning about new approaches and adding a dimension to your self-care routine, I truly hope you are able to find what you are looking for, even if it is just a link to a resource you may need at this time.
I thank you for taking the time to explore what I have created, finally.